
A Jetlag Hangover

December 27

Day One-

They made me go on a "little walk".... ha. I was totally "hung over" with jetlag and of course the Swiss solution is to get outside and get active. Which, don't get me wrong, sounds like a promising solution, but when your head is spinning and 10am their time is 4am my time, I was not really feeling this idea. Add to it, icy paths and crazy dogs, it was just... lovely. Jokes aside, it was a beautiful walk, with a delicious lunch! Probably some of the best soup I’ve had in a while. Yes, almost better than Bakers Crust’s Mushroom and Brie. Their "little walk" ended up being about 4 hours. Towards the end of it Kirsten said "Chris, can't we take that path over there? Won't it be quicker?" His response was classic, “Will it be about twenty minutes?”

Of course I was the only one in the group that caught his reference to my uncle and how he often uses the term “twenty minutes” very, very loosely. Twenty minutes in our family translates to approximately an entire afternoon.

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