
....travel down the road and back again....

Have I mentioned my recent love of "thrifting" to you yet? My break through moment was when I discovered the "Color of the Day" at The Salvation Army! You can't beat getting sale items from a thrift store! If that's not the epitome of "thrift" I don't know what is!

This weekend, actually, Valentine's Day (not relevant to the story, just thought I'd throw that out there) I was hitting an antique mall on my way to Hertford, NC to look for junk, or tables, or a bright yellow door with an antique door knob that my mom almost had to pry me away from (again, not relevant, but this door was absolutely AMAZING! Sadly, I have no where to put such an item...) when I turned the corner and saw the most glorious dresses! They looked as if they had been stripped right off of Dorothy, Blanche, Rose and Sopia! It was like these dresses just hung there, with a glow around them, and maybe even angels singing in the background... cue the flashback music and a dazed look on my face...

I found myself back in college, more specifically Halloween 2005. My roommates and I, the clean cut girls that we were, decided to dress up as the Golden Girls. (Yeah, we were some hardcore rebels...) While most crazy college chicks are dressing up like playboy bunnies, frenchmaids, or skanky police women... my roomies and I hit the thrift stores in the search of "old lady dresses." It took a while, but we found what we thought were perfect dresses and purses and shoes, all of which fully captured the old women inside each of us. To form more unity amongst our "costumes" we spray painted our shoes gold, that way, if there were any questions about what we were and why we were wearing clip on earrings, we could point at the shoes, which, we believed, spoke for themselves in the most matter of a fact way, plainly stating "Duh, we are The Golden Girls."

Flash back to real time... Who would've thought that our dresses were not perfect Golden Girl dresses! Who would've thought that right outside Hertford four, even more perfect dresses hung, simply awaiting my discovery! No, I didn't purchase these gems... I simply stood, in awe, of their golden glory. And then with a quick (and sneaky) snap of my my ice blue chocolate LG camera phone I captured the moment, and shared it with my roomies (well two out of three... Christen hasn't quite caught up with the times and the whole texting thing yet. I fear her wrath whenever she receives texts and realizes she has to pay a quarter to read something that someone could've simply called and verbally told her, for free. That's just a heads up to any of you who were unaware of the existence of non-texters. Who knows, they may be the smartest of all, 30 years from now, when the rest of us have carpal tunnel, folks like my brunette roommate will be painlessly flaunting their jazz fingers in front of us.)

I'd like to finish up with blog with a cheesecake, the picture of the Carolinian Golden Girl dresses, and possibly a picture or two of Halloween 2005.